About this issue

“Fragments” is T’ruah’s thought leadership journal; a place to explore the pressing questions of our fractured world through a Jewish lens, gleaning insights from Jewish texts and historical Jewish struggles for social justice. This third issue of “Fragments” explores democracy and the particular role Jews may play in building the vibrant multiracial democracy we imagine.

In the modern era, many Jews have viewed the U.S. as a unique democratic refuge. But today, anti-democratic actors are tapping into the fears of different groups of Americans in order to divide the electorate and consolidate their hold on power. They offer imagined protection for some at the expense of the safety of others, mainly racial and religious minority groups. As we prepare for a momentous election, the Jewish community is grappling with questions of power and belonging. The fact is that not all Jews have had access to democracy in the U.S., nor is there yet racial equity within the Jewish community. Our ability to protect and advance democracy will be shaped by how well we address these dynamics, internally and in our coalitions with non-Jewish allies.

Guest editor: April Rosenblum

For more conversations about the intersection of human rights, politics, and Judaism, check out Fragments I and Fragments II.

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