Updated 7/19, 1:41pm ET.



Rally for the Hostages with Hostages and Missing Families Forum

6:00 PM | National Mall

NEW TIME AND LOCATION: On Tuesday evening, July 23rd at 6:00 pm we will join released hostages and hostages’ families for a unique press conference in D.C, to demand to SEAL THE DEAL and to Bring them Home NOW!

While we know this is very last minute (even for Israelis!) – we do ask you to make an effort at this pivotal time and to join us in D.C. We will be redirecting our buses to leave NY on Tuesday at 12:00 pm and expect to return around midnight.

If you plan to join us on Tuesday whether with our busses or independently please sign up here: https://forms.gle/kahh27jgP155f2cP7 Please note that if you registered in the previous form, you now need to register again in the new form (SORRY).
For all updates on the D.C event– join our dedicated WhatsApp group: https://chat.whatsapp.com/D8G5uRu6xaMJFYOewzEOHV



Shacharit / Morning Prayers for Peace & Justice with T’ruah

10:00 AM | Gathering before the UnXeptable Netanyahu Non Grata Protest, South of Union Station between Delaware Ave NE and First St NE


Our Shacharit for Peace & Justice will be inspired by the liturgy of the Three Weeks between the 17th of Tammuz, which marks the breaching of the walls of Jerusalem in 70 CE, and Tisha b’Av, when the Temple was destroyed.

Although it will be a spiritual, soulful, and song-full prayer space before a larger UnXeptable rally, it will also be a protest that calls for an end to the war, a release of all hostages, and an end to the occupation. Let’s make sure our voices are loud.

RSVP here: https://truah.org/events/shacharit-for-peace-justice/

The park just south of Union Station between Delaware Ave NE and First Ave NE (north of D St NE)


Netanyahu Non Grata with UnXeptable

12:00 PM | Delaware Ave @ 1st St NE

It’s Time to Save Israel from Netanyahu: The Israel We Know is Still There and Worth Fighting For.

UnXeptable calls on all who care about Israel’s future as a liberal and democratic state to join American Jews and Israelis, including families of hostages still held in Gaza, in declaring Netanyahu persona non grata. Netanyahu represents a danger to the state, to its democracy, to the hostages, and to peace in the entire region – and he is not welcome among us!
Get the latest updates: https://bit.ly/Non-Grata-7-24



Peace & Justice Bloc: Protest Netanyahu with Standing Together

1:00 PM | National Mall at 4th St between Jefferson and Madison

Reject Netanyahu
Ceasefire Now
Hostage/Prisoner Deal Now
End the Occupation
Freedom and Safety for All
No Flags or Signs Please.
All Are Welcome.
1:00 PM | Capitol Grounds (precise location TBD)

Join Halachic Left to tell Bibi Netanyahu he is NOT welcome — not by the Jewish community, not by the American people, and not even by his own citizens.

We are observant, Torah-loving Jews calling for a ceasefire, a hostage/prisoner deal, and freedom and justice from the river to the sea. 

We are about to read Megillat Eicha, reminding us of the tragedy that comes when we lose sight of our moral light; as it says, “חֵטְא חָטְאָה יְרוּשָׁלִַם,” “Oh, how Jerusalem has sinned” (Eicha 1:8). As we read daily about the slaughter and expulsion of Palestinians and the continued suffering of the hostages, we must hold firm to the Torah in yelling, “Ceasefire now,” “Return the hostages now,” and “LET GAZA LIVE!”

We will be joining Standing Together & the Anti Occupation Bloc, and then holding Mincha*, learning, and community time.

*traditional liturgy, gender-separate and gender-neutral areas available

RSVP here: https://www.bit.ly/bibibye

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