On Friday, November 3, rabbinical, cantorial and Jewish education students in Israel are invited to join T’ruah on a Breaking the Silence tiyyul of Hebron.

Tour the Hebron city center, which has become a “ghost town” due to massive military curfews, restrictions and other policies aimed at Palestinians. Visit the gravesite of Baruch Goldstein, the Jewish-American settler who massacred 29 Palestinian worshipers in 1994, in the aftermath of which the Hebron city center was effectively closed off to most Palestinians. Meet with Palestinian activists from Youth Against Settlements and hear about what life in Hebron is like for them. Sign up for the tour, and for other T’ruah Year-in-Israel events and tiyyulim, here. We will meet at 7:45 and return at 14:30, two hours before shabbat.

On the following Monday, November 6 at 19:00-21:00, join T’ruah for a follow-up dinner to further discuss the issues we encountered in the tiyyul, and how they relate to our role as communal leaders.

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