On Wednesday, July 24 at 10am, come join us on the Capitol Lawn for a Shacharit for Peace & Justice.

Before a larger rally organized by Israelis with the group UnXeptable, we will ground ourselves with a spiritual experience that centers our common commitment to human rights, justice, and a shared future for Israelis and Palestinians.

Our Shacharit for Peace & Justice will be inspired by the liturgy of the Three Weeks between the 17th of Tammuz, which marks the breaching of the walls of Jerusalem in 70 CE, and Tisha b’Av, when the Temple was destroyed.

Although it will be a spiritual, soulful, and song-full prayer space, it will also be a protest that calls for an end to the war, a release of all hostages, and an end to the occupation. Let’s make sure our voices are loud.

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