**For rabbinical, cantorial and Jewish education students spending their year in Israel**

Join the Truah Year-in-Israel Program for our evening tiyyul “On the Verge of Deportation: African Asylum Seekers in Jerusalem” taking place on Monday, February 26, 2018. On January 1st, the Israeli government announced plans to deport tens of thousands of African asylum seekers from Eritrea and Sudan to Rwanda, where their lives are in great danger. Meet asylum seeker activists struggling to stay in Israel. Hear from them why they came to Israel, and the unimaginable hardships that they faced along the way. Meet Israeli activists who are fighting to keep them here. Visit two centers of pro-asylum seeker activism. Experience a communal meal including Eritrean-Ethiopian food and participate in a text study regarding the core moral issues raised. RSVP here.”

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