Join other T’ruah clergy and HIAS experts for a conversation to unpack the current state of asylum in the U.S. right now — and what rabbis and cantors can do.

Title 42, the asylum ban, and legislation — oh my! If Title 42 ended in May, why aren’t we claiming victory? If President Biden campaigned against Trump’s asylum transit ban, why did he implement a near-identical version? If Democrats are supposedly in favor of a humane immigration system, why are they cosponsoring dangerous anti-asylum bills? And what can clergy do about it?

We’ve heard that access to asylum is under threat. But it’s hard to keep track of what exactly is happening and what we can do. Let’s talk.

RSVP here for our conversation on July 10. If you can’t make it but are interested in this topic, please select “requesting a recording” so we know to send you one. All attendees will receive a recording as well. Note that there will be a substantial amount of the meeting where attendees will ask questions and make plans in smaller breakout groups, which will not be recorded.

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