Rabbis holding hands with eyes closed, HIAS logo, T'ruah logo, WelcomeCorps logo.

February 22, 2024 2 PM ET - 3 PM ET

Synagogues Supporting Refugees: Welcome Corps Info Session with HIAS

Join T'ruah and HIAS for an info session for Welcome Corps: a program where a private sponsorship initiative developed by the U.S. government to expand their capacity to resettle refugees. HIAS is recruiting more and more synagogues to this effort - could yours be one of them?

February 6, 2024 7:15 PM ET - 8:45 PM ET

Tirdof New York City Budget Justice Teach-In

Join Tirdof, JFREJ, and the B'nai Jeshurun community for a Budget Justice Teach-In. Together, we'll learn about the NYC budget process, and how we can organize for housing and immigration justice in our city.
T'ruah logo in white

February 6, 2024 6:00 PM ET - 7:00 PM ET

Tirdof Clergy Pre-Reception (Clergy and Rabbinical and Cantorial Students Only)

Gather with Tirdof: New York Jewish Clergy for Justice on February 6 for an hour of noshing, singing, and conversation ahead of a community-wide City Budget Justice Teach-In at B'nai Jeshurun.

February 2, 2024 - February 3, 2024

Refugee Shabbat 2024

Each year, Refugee Shabbat gives us an opportunity to recognize the profound impact of the global Jewish movement working for a world where welcome, safety, and opportunity are available to all who need them. T'ruah is proud to partner with HIAS, a leader in that work.

January 30, 2024 12:00 PM ET - 1:00 PM ET

Moving Towards A Shared Future: A Convening of the Progressive Israel Network

Hear from Israelis and Palestinians who are thinking and acting on a vision of Israel as a shared place—a place where the futures of Jewish Israelis and Palestinians are bound up together.

February 9, 2024 - February 10, 2024

Repro Shabbat 2024

T'ruah is proud to partner with National Council of Jewish Women on Repro Shabbat, coming February 9-10 (Parshat Mishpatim).

January 11, 2024 4:00 PM ET - 5:00 PM ET

Free Speech: The Gray Area

On Thursday, January 11 at 4pm ET, T’ruah invites you to begin to disentangle your thoughts on "Free Speech: The Gray Area" with T'ruah's Rabbi Jill Jacobs and Suzanne Nossel, CEO of PEN America.

February 6, 2024 12:00 PM ET - May 14, 2024 1:30 PM ET

Community of Practice: Israel/Palestine

This Community of Practice is for Chaverim who look to answer the question, “how can I be a clergy member who effectively leads in my Jewish space and in my larger community around issues of Israel and Palestine?”

March 7, 2024 12:00 PM ET - June 6, 2024 1:30 PM ET

Community of Practice: Movement Chaplaincy

Participants will find four foundational principles of Movement Chaplaincy apply to their lives as Jewish clergy regardless of their job or location. The four sessions will each take a look at being: responsive, relational, relevant, and resourced.

December 20, 2023 12:00 PM ET -

Boston: T’ruah Clergy Gathering and Lunch

It is an extremely difficult and heartbreaking time. On Wednesday, December 20 at 12:00 pm, come share space with the chaverim community at Temple Shalom in Newton (175 Temple St, West Newton). Lunch will be provided.

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