The past few years have seen a number of violent antisemitic crimes in the United States, including murders in synagogues and at a kosher grocery store, the desecration of cemeteries, and antisemitic imagery at the January 6, 2021, Capitol attack.

The January 15, 2022, hostage-taking in Colleyville, Texas — where the attacker thought that by taking Jews hostage in a synagogue and speaking with “The Chief Rabbi of America” he could force the government’s hand — is yet another terrifying example, and we know it will not be the last.

Yet antisemitism remains widely misunderstood, even among Jews. It is also clear that not everyone agrees on what constitutes antisemitism, especially when it comes to the boundary between criticism of Israel and antisemitism. We will dive into this thorny topic and others in this guide.

While it is certainly not meant to be comprehensive, we hope it provides some context, language, and tools to help navigate the difficult terrain around antisemitism, and will help us all to fight antisemitism, along with fighting all other forms of racial, cultural, religious, and gender oppression.

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