A Letter from North American Jews to the Israeli Government

Add your name to urge the Israeli government to make a hostage and cease-fire deal and bring the hostages home. There is no time to waste.
A woman in kippah and blazer speaks into a megaphone with protest in background

President Biden: Rabbis Say End the War [CLERGY ONLY]

We are American rabbis, cantors, and student clergy writing to you in anguish after nearly five months of war that have brought unfathomable suffering to Israelis and Palestinians.
Purple T'ruah logo on white background

Tell President Biden and Secretary Blinken: Stop West Bank Violence!

Most recently, the U.S. government announced they will be imposing visa bans on extremist Israeli settlers guilty of terrorizing Palestinians in the West Bank. Share a note of gratitude with U.S. officials and ask them to keep the pressure on Israel and make sure no U.S. weapons or funding goes to support settler violence.
Three rabbis at a protest wearing tallitot cover their eyes for the shema prayer.

North American Rabbis and Cantors Respond to the Crisis in Israel and Gaza [CLERGY ONLY]

The safety of Palestinians and Israelis is inextricably linked. By signing this letter, we publicly recommit to the long, hard work of bringing about a better future for everyone in the region.
T'ruah logo

Call for Action to Release Israeli Hostages [CLERGY ONLY]

Rabbi Ayelet Cohen has organized a Jewish leaders letter to the Israeli government calling for immediate action to retrieve those held in captivity. Add your name now.

Support Israeli Protesters for Democracy!

Take action to stop the judicial coup and save Israeli democracy.

An Open Letter from North American Jews Condemning Settler Violence and Settlement Construction

Our tradition values human dignity, human lives, and a just society. Settler violence is the exact opposite.

Tell President Biden: U.S. Must Help Protect Democracy and Human Rights for Israelis and Palestinians [CLERGY ONLY]

[CLERGY ONLY] As Israel’s new ultra-right-wing government increasingly destroys institutions of Israeli democracy, the Biden administration must take action.

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