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  • Rabbis Respond Nationwide In Solidarity With Standing Rock Sioux Tribe

    November 2, 2016

    T’ruah stands in solidarity with the Standing Rock Sioux Indian Tribe in their ongoing protest of the Dakota Access Pipeline. We call on the police to end their forceful and sometimes violent response to the protesters, including writing numbers on the forearms of those arrested—a mode of dehumanization too familiar to the Jewish community. The right to non-violent protest is fundamental to our American democracy, and has roots in the biblical stories of Abraham and the daughters of Tzelophechad, who stood up for justice.

  • T’ruah Statement on the Deaths of Officers Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos

    December 21, 2014

    T’ruah grieves the deaths of Officers Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos; we are shocked and saddened at yet another act of senseless violence claiming innocent lives. We pray for a speedy recovery for Shaneka Nicole Thompson, wounded by the same gunman, an innocent woman targeted by her former partner. The rabbis teach that to destroy one...

  • T’ruah Applauds Israeli High Court Protection of Asylum Seekers

    December 18, 2014

    T'ruah applauds the Israeli High Court for upholding both human rights and Jewish law today, preventing implementation of an amendment to Israel's anti-infiltration law that would have continued to send asylum-seekers to prison.

  • T’ruah Asks Knesset to Grant African Asylum Seekers Their Right to Dignity and Liberty

    December 11, 2014

    T’ruah denounces this week’s Knesset law that will once again send African asylum seekers to jail without trial. This law violates both international human rights and Jewish law.   This new law, passed Monday, December 8th, in the last hours before the Knesset disbanded itself, comes in response to an Israeli High Court ruling forbidding the...

  • “Truth Was Thrown To Earth”: T’ruah Statement on the Release of the Senate Intelligence Committee Report on Torture

    December 8, 2014

    T’ruah commends the Senate Intelligence Committee for the release of the Executive Summary of their long-awaited report on CIA use of torture against suspects in the “War on Terror.”

  • T’ruah Responds to the Michael Brown Grand Jury Verdict

    November 24, 2014

    We as the Jewish community stand in solidarity with the people now taking action to demand that their lives be seen as meaningful by those who are supposed to protect them.

  • Protecting Human Dignity: T’ruah Responds to Rabbi Steven Pruzansky

    November 24, 2014

    The 1800 rabbis and cantors who count ourselves as chaverim of T’ruah commit ourselves to our religious obligation to bringing a Jewish moral voice to protecting the tzelem elohim–image of God–in every single human being. We therefore read with disgust Rabbi Steven Pruzansky’s recent article, “Dealing with Savages.” Our sacred tradition insists on human dignity....

  • T’ruah Statement on the Jerusalem Synagogue Terror Attack

    November 18, 2014

    T’ruah condemns today’s murderous attack on a synagogue in Jerusalem. We are horrified by all such acts of violence, especially when the targets are in the act of prayer in their house of worship. We call on Israeli and Palestinian leaders to immediately work together to create a Jerusalem that is safe and healthy for...

  • T’ruah Statement on Recent Attacks in Tel Aviv and West Bank

    November 10, 2014

    T’ruah denounces today’s attacks against Israelis in Tel Aviv and the West Bank. There can be no justification for this kind of violence, which is a clear violation of international human rights law, as well as all religious prohibitions against attempted murder or harm of a creation in the divine image.   The Mishnah Sanhedrin (4:5)...

  • T’ruah Announces Launch of Jewish Fair Trade Project

    September 3, 2014

    Equal Exchange, Fair Trade Judaica, and T’ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights today announced the launch of the Jewish Fair Trade Partnership, through which Jewish institutions and individuals can purchase kosher fair trade coffee, tea and chocolate while supporting Jewish communal efforts to end modern-day slavery and support worker justice. “We are empowering our...

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