Who are T’ruah’s Chaverim?
Chaverim are rabbis and cantors who stand up to be counted as partners in T’ruah’s work to protect human rights in North America, Israel, and the occupied Palestinian territories. Being one of T’ruah’s chaverim does not imply endorsement of every organizational statement or position. When you become a member of our chaverim network, you join 2,300 rabbis and cantors who support one another in our human rights commitments, and who have access to training and advocacy opportunities through T’ruah.
Simon Stratford
Rabbi | Cincinnati, Ohio
Simone Schicker
Rabbi | Kalamazoo, Michigan
Solomon Hoffman
Rabbi | Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Sonya Starr
Rabbi | Wilmington, Delaware
Stacia Deutsch
Rabbi | Irvine, California
Stacy Friedman
Rabbi | San Rafael, California
Stacy Offner
Rabbi | Madison, Connecticut
Stanley Halpern
Rabbi | Carmel, Indiana
Stanley Kesslerz”l
Rabbi | West Hartford, Connecticut
Stanley Levy
Rabbi | Los Angeles, California
Stanley Meiselsz”l
Rabbi | Malibu, California
Stanley Rosenbaumz”l
Rabbi | Waterloo, Iowa
Stephanie Aaron
Rabbi | Tucson, Arizona
Stephanie Crawley
Rabbi | Washington, District of Columbia
Stephanie Dickstein
Rabbi | Highland Park, New Jersey
Stephanie Kennedy
Rabbi | Oakland, California
Stephanie Kolin
Rabbi | Brooklyn, New York
Stephanie Kramer
Rabbi | Overland Park, Kansas
Stephanie Ruskay
Rabbi | New York, New York
Stephanie Weishaar
Cantor | Clarksburg, Maryland
Stephen Berkowitz
Rabbi | Paris,
Stephen Booth-Nadav
Rabbi | Denver, Colorado
Stephen Cohen
Rabbi | Santa Barbara, California
Stephen Einstein
Rabbi | Fountain Valley, California
Stephen Fisch
Rabbi | Dallas, Texas
Stephen Fuchs
Rabbi | Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
Stephen Garfinkel
Rabbi | Teaneck, New Jersey
Stephen Goodman
Rabbi | Garden City, New York
Stephen Jurovics
Rabbi | Raleigh, North Carolina
Stephen Karol
Rabbi | Stony Brook, New York