Bamidbar: Finding God in the Wilderness

That the Torah addresses the concerns that civilization inevitably brings, along with awareness of the need for individuals to experience God in wilderness, seems to me a profound grappling with the needs both of human beings and of God’s non-human world.
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Open Letter to President Biden Urging U.S. to Protect Democracy and Human Rights for Israelis and Palestinians

If you are a rabbi, cantor, or rabbinical or cantorial student, please add your name here. President Joseph R. BidenThe White House1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NWWashington, D.C. 20500 Dear President Biden: We the undersigned are rabbis, cantors and rabbinical and cantorial students affiliated with T’ruah, a rabbinic human rights organization representing over 2,300 rabbis and cantors...
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Meet our 2023 Gala Honorees

Former Congressman Andy Levin A former member of Congress, union organizer, human rights activist, workforce policy expert and green energy entrepreneur, Andy Levin brought his unique expertise to the halls of Congress as the proud representative for Michigan’s 9th District from 2018 to 2022. While in Washington, Andy authored, cosponsored, and helped pass legislation drawing...
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The Wisdom of Welcome

Welcome, it appears, does not end at the door. It is a commitment to walk with vulnerable guests as they emerge from the protection of our homes and enter the public square.
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Rabbi Laura J. Abrasley

Rabbi Laura  J. Abrasley joined the Temple Shalom clergy team in July 2015. She grew up in Houston and graduated from Texas A&M University with a degree in psychology. Her path to becoming a rabbi began with many summers spent as a camper and then counselor at the URJ Greene Family Camp in Texas. After...
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2024 Gala Honoree Selection Committee

Each year, T’ruah honors a group of extraordinary clergy who demonstrate an unwavering commitment to living and working in accordance with a Torah of justice and human rights. And each year we turn to our supporters to help us find these remarkable leaders by nominating their clergy colleagues and friends. Nominations for our 2024 Rabbinic...
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